Sunday, August 10, 2008

Psycho Dogs Appear to be Tri-Lingual...

So, we're watching TV the other day...The Young and the Restless...yes...I know. It has been one of my guilty pleasures since around 1986 when Suzy got the entire family hooked on it...I can't help it and frankly whatever George may say to anyone else on the subject, he watches too!

Anyway, there is a french character that George and I were making fun of. George laughingly exclaimed "Comment Çava?" (pronounced como sava meaning How are you?). Both Springers, who were quietly lying on their beds, jumped up, ran over and started jumping all over George immediately following this exclamation. We have since been randomly dropping the words "Comment Çava?" into different conversations. Every time we get the same reaction. Both Springers go nuts.

Oddly enough, they react the same way to the German exclamation "DAS BOOT!".

We're all a bunch of wierdos!

1 comment:

How do you solve a problem like Malia? said...

Hee hee & thanks again for the house vote! and the nacho flair.